Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Fantasy

On August 28, 1963, the late Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a magnificent speech on the mall in Washington. His theme was “I Have a Dream.” I’m borrowing from his theme but I call it “I Have a Fantasy.”

I have a fantasy that one day those running for the office of President of the United States will campaign on a platform of this is what I believe; these are my principles; this is my program instead of a platform that says vote for me only because my opponent is a worse scoundrel than I am. I have a fantasy.

I have a fantasy that one day only the best qualified men in American will run for the office of President, and that they will aspire to that high office from a sense of duty, not just to appease their egos.

I have a fantasy that one day a candidate for national office will be judged only by his principles and his integrity, not by his political label.

I have a fantasy.

I have a fantasy that one day I will be able to go to my polling place without having to run the gauntlet of politicians and their supporters imploring me to vote a certain way. My fantasy is that they will realize I have studied the issues and the persons running, and have already decided who should get my vote. They’re not going to change my mind while I walk across the parking lot.

I have a fantasy that one day, by high noon on the Wednesday following the election, all the campaign signs will have been removed.

I have a fantasy.

I have a fantasy that one day, starting a week before any election, all the radio and television stations will announce that they will no longer carry any campaign ads or election news. The media will understand that everything that needs to be said about the election has already been said many times.

I have a fantasy that one day there will be a national election, but I will not receive any phone calls from political support groups claiming to be conducting a poll.

I have a fantasy.

I have a fantasy that one day all politicians will be held accountable for everything they promise during an election.

I have a fantasy that one day we will hold an election for the highest offices in this land. In that election, we will vote for our choice of statesmen, who will be concerned about the next generation, instead of for politicians, who think only of the next election.

I have a fantasy.